
Tim Wells for Rockwall County Justice of the Peace, Place 3

Representing Rockwall County

Attorney Tim Wells announces his candidacy for Rockwall County Justice of the Peace Precinct 3. Tim Wells has been practicing law in Texas for over 10 years. Licensed in 2009, Mr. Wells is currently a member of the Texas Bar College, an honorary society of lawyers who are among the best-trained attorneys in Texas. He has represented clients in both criminal and civil matters and has appeared in courts throughout the State of Texas. He is currently employed at A|Law and represents clients in both state and federal court. Mr. Wells and his wife, Caitlyn, also an attorney, met at Texas Tech University School of Law and have been married for over 8 years. They moved to Rockwall in 2014 and have two young children together.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/timwells4rockwalljp3/